Happy New Year – & a bit more demolition!

Happy New Year (better late than never – you know I come forth eventually!)


I am more than a bit sad to pack it all away as I do love Christmas, but I am also more than a bit relieved to see the end of a mad, manic and crazy season which included my open house, workshops, a few events, a bad foot injury, 3 important birthdays – husband and 2 of the children – and of course Christmas, a big deal in itself.  So as I am sure you can appreciate, much as I truly adore the magic and sparkle of that time of year, it also leaves me in constant chaos and desperately trying to catch my breath and stop myself from drowning in events, materials, presents, food, really excessive late nights and much more!



Now I must confess, I don’t really do New Year resolutions as such.  I used to many years ago but like a lot of people I really wasn’t brilliant at following them through.  One thing I do have a habit of doing though, is writing lists and my gosh are they long.  If I am honest, they are completely ridiculous and, particularly at times like my open house, Christmas, Easter or other events they are more than a little outrageous!



I will put say, 20 things to do on my list for Monday and just item 1 could take all day and item 2, well, half the week if I’m lucky.  We won’t even mention the other 18 items – let’s just move swiftly on!  So, even though I don’t actually do New Year resolutions, I do however, ‘carry forward’ all the items that were on last years lists.  I did recently read an article on list making which was particularly pertinent to me.  It basically said that you should only ever have 5 items on your ‘to do’ list and the idea is that when you have finished 1 item you replace it with a new one – this is meant to stop you from feeling overwhelmed or stressed……….Right, but what actually happens to the rest of your list – I would probably end up sub categorising on a huge scale as I tend to do that anyway.  Ok ok let’s be calm about it and maybe not even do a list at all……Hmmm, bit scary, lets sleep on that one.


I rather foolishly thought that I would have quite a bit of calm now and don’t get me wrong, in comparison to last season, of course it is.  However, we – in true Chandelier style – started on more work in another room – (as we do) over the holiday period and have just a smidgen more mess to deal with BUT….. it’s all good, yes really.  Every friend or visitor to our house walks in and says ‘Oh, goodness’ and looks about in disbelief (as well as sometimes looking at me very strangely!) as things change daily here, they really do!  Even the children come in and roll their eyes whilst enquiring why we can’t finish the other rooms we have started first.  I just roll my eyes right back and say “Well……Daddy had to do this now because we desperately need storage and………” then they are gone and I start to ponder that question myself but you know how it is, if you are struggling with things like storage, particularly after Christmas, and the rest of the house is semi-ok then certain jobs just seem to queue jump in a big way.  STOP thinking like that – No, it is not because Mr Chandelier is a builder and likes demolition – how could you even think that…………Hmmm.

We (well, when I say ‘we’ I have helped a lot) have also done lots of ‘little jobs’, well little by our standards, such as starting the tongue and groove boarding in the bathroom, moving baby Chandeliers hanging tent, blocking up a doorway – you know the sort of annoying and ‘faffy’ job that never gets done because you know it will take ages and not really seem to make much of an impact. Ok, maybe blocking up a doorway does, I take that one back but not moving a tent not so much, but, it does actually mean I can finish Ruby’s room as the ‘structure’ is now in place.  It only took me 3 days to decide where to put her furniture and tent!!!  More on that very soon.

Anyway, my ruthless streak persists and I am de-cluttering as I go and moving rooms around, still shuffling furniture and generally getting order – so there are many, many posts to follow from hereon in, with all the current projects and updates on the existing ones – Ooh how exciting – it’s a good job I get bored easily and like a change isn’t it!  I am on such a mission right now but with so very much needing to be done, I’m not quite sure which way to turn first.  But, as my dear friend used to say, ‘It doesn’t matter where you start, just start somewhere!” so I do tend to say that to myself repeatedly as I spin around like a weeble looking where to begin (just remember “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down”!!!)



Oh, and I have also started setting up my Etsy shop and it really won’t be long before it has lots of items for sale – even more excitement – how will I contain myself.  I will of course link it to this blog.

As if that isn’t enough I joined Slimming World today.  I have done it before but stopped suddenly due to Mr Chandelier’s rather unfortunate Brain Haemorrhage, thank goodness he made a full recovery – we are very blessed.

What about you, are you calm or not…….tell me about your chaos, it will make me feel much better!

Much Love

Sarah xxx


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